Scheduled maintenance on our database is starting.
We expect this maintenance to take less than 5 minutes to complete. During maintenance will only be available in read-only mode: downloading crates and visiting the website will still work, but logging in, publishing crates, yanking crates or changing owners will not work.
Posted May 19, 2021 - 13:40 UTC
Scheduled maintenance will begin in 55 minutes. The maintenance is expected to take less than 5 minutes to complete, and downloads will continue to work during that period of time.
Posted May 19, 2021 - 12:45 UTC
The team will perform a database maintenance on 2021-05-19 from 13:40 to 13:45 UTC.
We expect this maintenance to take less than 5 minutes to complete. During maintenance will only be available in read-only mode: downloading crates and visiting the website will still work, but logging in, publishing crates, yanking crates or changing owners will not work.