Cargo error when downloading crates from our CDN
Incident Report for The Rust Programming Language
Since our last update no invalid response was sent from our CDN, according to our response logs. We're marking this incident as resolved, and we're working with our CDN provider to avoid similar problems in the future.
Posted Sep 15, 2020 - 21:11 UTC
In the past 26 hours no invalid response was sent from our CDN, according to our response logs. We're continuing to monitor the issue, and our CDN provider is rolling out a permanent fix to the problem.
Posted Sep 13, 2020 - 13:47 UTC
In the past 12 hours no invalid response was sent from our CDN, according to our response logs. We're continuing to monitor the issue, and our CDN provider is rolling out a permanent fix to the problem.
Posted Sep 11, 2020 - 23:26 UTC
There are no more invalid responses showing up in our CDN logs for the past 3 hours. We'll continue to monitor the situation and work with our CDN provider to make sure the issue is permanently addressed.
Posted Sep 11, 2020 - 14:16 UTC
The situation is slowly improving, as over the past 6 hours only 14 requests were affected by the issue according to our logs, across the US and Asia. We're continuing to monitor the situation, and we're in contact with our CDN provider to get it fixed permanently.
Posted Sep 11, 2020 - 10:06 UTC
We received reports that Cargo is failing to download packages from, with the error message "failed to get 200 response from URL, got 206".

Our understanding is that this is affecting just a few geographical regions in of US, and that this is an issue with our CDN provider. We're in contact with their support team to address the issue.
Posted Sep 11, 2020 - 00:37 UTC
This incident affected: